Reconnect with Yourself


Focus on your relationship with the most important person in your life - YOU!
 When You Believe That You Deserve Better, You Will Only Allow Better. 




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Let Me Read Your Mind

You are here because you are NOT living a life that works for you.
Your self-esteem is lower than it’s been in, well, forever. You are sick and tired of being controlled by your mind, and you wish you could take control of the self-sabotaging behavior that’s ruling your life.
 Your daily existence feels like a record stuck on repeat, with the same habits and patterns depleting you physically, mentally and emotionally.
You’re gasping for air in the depths of distractions and unhealthy routines. You’re overworked and undervalued.
You always give more than you take - can you even remember the last time you   put yourself first?

Trust me when I say that I know what you're going through. 

How? Because I’ve been in your shoes.

That was my life and  like you I was stuck. But I managed to hit reset and turn my life around, and now I treat myself with the love and respect I deserve and now demand from others. 

Hi! I’m Penny

If you are ready to come back home to yourself, I'm here to help. I will guide you back into alignment with who you really are.
How would you like to remember what excites you and to believe that you are fully capable of being and achieving everything you want for yourself? 
Are You In? 
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Book a Strategy Call Now!


"I can't say enough about my experience with Penny. She worked with me to fully understand my needs and the results were better than I could have ever hoped for. Truly amazing and extremely happy with the results... Penny literally changed my life with her incredible remedies and results. Highly recommend, thank you so much"
MT, Canada


"My sessions with Penny were amazing! Penny has a calm, gentle presence and a soothing voice that made me so comfortable. My healing sessions were unique during every visit. I am grateful for the energy and experiences I felt... I highly recommend her!"
SK, Canada


"Penny is an amazing, incredible therapist.  She made me feel super comfortable. It was a powerful healing session, very soothing, nurturing and healing. I felt really good. Such a powerful experience."
 AR, Canada

Rewire Your Brain

Bad habits and beliefs are built over a lifetime of indoctrination – and it’s not your fault. But the good news is that you can literally build new neural pathways in your mind and train your brain to learn healthier habits that serve you better! I’ll walk this journey with you as we identify and replace unproductive thoughts, habits and behaviours, so that you can finally be free of fear and anxiety. 

Do you want to know what life looks like on the other side of perpetual stress?

Let's Start Talking

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Allow Yourself To Heal

Choosing to make real change in your life is NOT a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of great STRENGTH and courage.
But it’s important to remember that you are not broken, and you don’t need to be fixed!

Change is uncomfortable, but when staying where you are is more uncomfortable then you are ready!

Is that now? 

Personalized Recordings

Just as a baby learns to walk and talk through repetition, so can an older adult learn new tricks by listening to the same affirmations again and again.
I create bespoke recordings for each client I work with to help you literally rewire your belief systems by building new neural pathways. Perhaps you feel like you don’t “belong” or that you’re “not lovable”.  

Whatever isn’t serving you, we will find it – and we will change it – together.

Let's Start

Step into the Driver’s Seat:

You have been in control of your own life all along, and YOU are the only one who can shift gears and make a 180° turn.
I want to help you to take the wheel and begin to change course by reconnecting with who you truly are.
Let's elevate your spirit and rekindle your intrinsic link with your highest potential.
Book a Strategy Call



Contact Me

Have questions? Fill out the form below and I will get back to you. You can also email me at [email protected]